Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Why Choose An IP-PBX For Your Next Phone System?

Don't Get Left Behind!

Today there are many options to choose from when you are shopping for a new business phones system. Many companies are still manufacturing systems utilizing outdated technology and passing it off as the latest. VoIP is the direction that the telecommunications industry is moving in. As voice over IP technology advances more businesses are able to take advantage of it. This technology however is not just about new cool apps, it is about saving money and increasing efficiency. There are many ways that an IP-PBX will benefit your business.  Here are just a few of them.

Direct Cost Savings

An IP-PBX can often pay for itself by utilizing SIP lines that work over the Internet. Phone bills can often be reduced by 50% or more which means that financing that new phone system may not cost you anything out of pocket! That combined with other robust features like conference bridges and remote workers for example, makes purchasing a new IP system a no brainer.


A true VoIP system provides a business with the ability to grow without having to add expensive equipment. SIP phones work on any network and all you need is a switch to plug them into. No more adding cards in the phone system. An IP-PBX also allows you to use SIP trunking, which is a way to make calls with a provider over the Internet. SIP trunks are less expensive than traditional phone lines and often offer robust long distance plans. They can easily be added or removed depending on the needs of your business. This adding and removing of trunk requires no cards or extra equipment.

Trunking Redundancy

The ability to use more than one type of dial tone connection, or trunking, is a great benefit for communications redundancy. Companies that have two types of trunking, for example, a PRI combined with SIP trunks, will have more stability if one of the dial tone carriers experiences a service outage. If one were to lose the Internet, their PRI would still function, and if one were to experience an outage on their T1, if their Internet was still working their SIP lines would not be affected.

Remote Workers

Companies are finding ways to cut costs and keep their employees connected through their phone system no matter where they may be located. An IP-PBX gives you the ability to use remote office phones at their homes or remote office and still be on the same system, using the same caller ID and incoming phone numbers. All the SIP phone needs is an Internet connection to work of the system remotely. For those who travel, they can utilize soft phones on their cell phones while they are at the airport, and any location that has 4g or WiFi and work off of the phone system as an extension. Try that on the old systems!

Efficient Call Routing

The main purpose of a phone system of course is to route calls the proper personal at the desired times. An IP-PBX usually has built in flexible routing options such as call groups and queuing that can route callers efficiently to make sure customers receive stellar customer service.

Staying Up To Date

If you are looking at an IP-PBX you will want to shop for one that is easily up-gradable and easily programmed remotely. Many of the new IP-PBXs are primarily software driven, which means that new features and upgrades can be done remotely so that your business always has the latest and greatest applications as they are developed. There are always new applications being developed such as built in conference rooms, emergency applications, and others that will benefit your company without having to keep buying a new phone system.


There are many reasons to make your next phone system purchase a pure VoIP based platform. Technology is not stopping to wait for anyone, and as companies realize the many benefits of VoIP, more and more development is going to be focused on that platform, not the older TDM platform. Support will also be more of a problem for those who opt to go with an older type key system. No one would consider using a horse and buggy anymore for their commute back forth to work, we now have the automobile. Try putting an AC unit on that buggy and see how it works! Choose VoIP, it’s the future of telecommunications!

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